Delta Elektronika announced its first 15 kW standard power supply, the SM500-CP-90. The power supply offers a bi- directional output and advanced new features at the price of a standard version. Operation is easy, with no need to study bulky manuals.
Global Test Solutions (GTS), a supplier of high-performance test & measurement instruments, is offering Sefelec’s XS Series hipot and safety testers with two free probes, accessories, and a two-year warranty for just $1 with purchase. The purchase order for the hipot (RXS Series), hipot plus insulation resistance (DXS Series), and safety testers (SXS Series), must be received by November 30, 2015.
Global Test Solutions is launching a new photovoltaic Simulation Interface for the SM3300 Series of Programmable DC Power Supplies, (INT MOD SIM) just in time for the Intersolar North American Exhibition, July 14- 16 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. From inverter designers to solar installers, the INT MOD SIM simulates photovoltaic I-V curves with fast response ideal for testing Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPT). The Simulation Interface Module is a user- installable plug&play option for SM3300 Series programmable DC power supplies.